In forests there are ‘mother trees’. These trees reach to the top of the canopy. Their trunks are strong. When the winds come, they are able to sway instead of snap. But the most important part of their job lies underneath their shade. One of their most crucial roles is protecting the baby trees.
Mother trees actually ‘steal’ the majority of the sun from the forest floor. At first glance this seems pretty selfish. Are mother trees racing to the top in order to be the best and get the best? Is there a corporate ladder of the woodlands?
No, the reason mother trees hog all the sunlight is to actually protect the saplings. If the young trees were to receive more sunlight they would grow taller and faster. What’s the problem, right? Well, the tree doesn’t need to grow that fast. If they do, it prevents the trunk from gaining strength. It may grow tall, but it won’t grow strong. A fast growing tree may look impressive at first, but when the winds come, their tall trunk will break. It will most likely not have had a chance to develop deep roots to help keep it stable during the chaos.
While hidden beneath the mother tree’s canopy, the sapling is forced to build strength through slow growth. The darkness that covers them is actually preparing them for their time in the sun and the storm.
We don’t like the dark times. We want to hurry through the pain, but there are things that can only be found during the hidden days. It is because of the very darkest moments that I am able to have the strength to face the unknowns ahead of me. My Mother Tree has protected me by forcing me to sit in the discomfort, loneliness, and darkness. How grateful I am that mother trees don’t sacrifice their own sunlight to bathe the baby trees. They know the damage that would actually cause in the long run.
If you are in a dark day, know that it is strengthening you. If you are a mother tree, desperately wanting to give it all to your sapling, know that sometimes delayed gratification is what turns the acorns into oaks.
We are held. We are seen. We are not alone.
“Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” Psalm 17:8