As I spent today reflecting on my word for the coming year, content, I was moved to reflect over the past decade.
2010 brought a surprise pregnancy and a subsequent miscarriage teaching me that sometimes terrible things happen and it’s no one’s fault.
2011 brought the birth of Isaac and showed me what happens when I surrender hope and fear - He turns it into laughter of the best kind.
2012 showed me how to encourage and support my husband as he chased after his dream of becoming a teacher. What a gift to watch another be brave and cheer them on.
2013 brought death to my mother and to myself as I knew it. I’m still learning things from this year.
2014 taught endurance as Josh continued with working full time while going to school full time as I struggled to hold together the household, two babies and armloads of grief all ending in a beautiful graduation ceremony - Josh walked across the stage to receive his well earned diploma and I took steps into learning my true self.
2015 showed His faithfulness once again and at the last possible second Josh was given his first teaching job and we all learned the meaning of exhale.
2016 grabbed my heart strings and dared me to ask Him for the desires of my heart, six months later we moved into our dream home, Jericho. It is ok to ask.
2017 taught that bad things happen to good people, but God restores, provides, and redeems. Josh began a new job - one he didn’t even apply for. It’s brought harvest ever since. He knows what you truly need and already has it aligned for you. You don’t have to do anything but watch and trust.
2018 showed us that sometimes family is not just blood, but those who continually choose to be there. As Josh’s motorcycle accident threatened to bring up deepest fears, friends gathered close to show us what family really looks like.
2019 whispered to me to be unashamed and to take steps into my purpose. I took on the title of writer, encourager, and began to listen and share my voice. Which has led me here.
My words may not always be for you. We may disagree. I may be wrong at times. But I’m done hiding away my heart for fear of being too much or not enough. The last ten years have taught me many things. Things I plan on sharing here with you. Stories of resolution and God’s unbelievable faithfulness. I want you to know you’re not alone. You are seen. You are desired.
Your heart once was made to beat and it has continued to do so regardless of what you have or haven’t done. He’s not left you. He’s all around whispering His love…for you.
I hope to walk alongside you, helping you see where He might be showing up, helping you decipher His whispers of encouragement, grace and love.
Here’s to the next ten years. May we be content in knowing that no matter what happens He is here and we are His.
With grace,