Psalm Stories
Day 1 Psalm 1:3
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields fruit all season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers.”
It is fitting to me that the first day of this series mentions trees. It is one of the clearest ways I see Him. The detail. The strength. The quiet beauty. This is what I hope to be, planted by water, The Water that never goes dry.
That verse ends with…whatever they do prospers. That would be nice right? Knowing that whatever you may attempt is going to prosper and be successful. I don’t know about you, but that’s not how my life has always been.
I’ve either tried and failed a few times, or (lots of times) sat on the side, procrastinated and not tried for fear of not prospering.
The verse right before this describes the person that the tree symbolizes as, “the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates in His law day and night.” I never enjoy seeing the ‘las of the Lord’ as it portrays a mean, disconnected, judge. That’s definitely not something I want to spend all day thinking about. But if I think of it as instruction, guidance, advice, etc. And relate it to my ‘law’ in my classroom or at home…then that I can understand. Any instruction or law that I give to my students and children is always for their benefit. They may not understand it. They may not like it. But I never ask them to follow something that is not for their prosperity.
Ah, so maybe that’s it. If we keep our roots grounded in His life giving water, keep our thoughts constantly on His voice, His guidance and direction…then our leaves will not wither and we will prosper.
Praying your roots find His water today.
Day 2 Psalm 2:12b
“Blessed are those who seek refuge in Him.”
Refuge - safety, protection, a break from running and fretting and worrying
Are you quick to turn to Him for refuge and accept the safety, protection and break that He offers? I believe sometimes we are afraid to admit we need help, afraid that if someone saw how bad it really is then they would no longer offer help. Some of us would rather continue to carry the heavy burden instead of admit how much of a strain it has become, afraid someone may shame us, guilt us, taunt us.
Sometimes I put off seeking refuge with Him because it honestly wouldn’t feel like a break, it would feel like a chore…more tap dancing and there are times my burden is too heavy that there is no energy left to tap dance in order to retrieve my rest and help.
And that is the problem. When we go to Him with that mindset…”if I spend ____ amount of time with Him, read ____ amount of the Bible, then He will be pleased with my effort and then grant me refuge.”
Listen. That is not how He is. There is NO amount of time nor amount of chapters to read in the Bible, there is no amount of selfless giving you could undertake to earn His refuge. He simply gives it.
It is a mindset we must change. I have found refuge from Him through watching a hilarious show, around a waffle maker with my family, in a hammock napping, doing laundry and listening to a podcast as well as your stereotypical ‘ quiet time’. He knows the burdens we carry. WE don’t have to carry them all the way to a designated spot in order for Him to take them from us right there in the middle of the battle. He is WITH you wherever you go. Why not ask Him right where you are, right now, in the middle of the chest tightening worry, in the middle of the giant mess in your home, through the loud chaos of children fight again? Ask Him for refuge. He’s there. H’ll give it. You will be blessed.
Praying refuge and blessing for you today.
Day 3 Psalm 3:3
“But You, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.”
This world is constantly giving us reasons to feel shame. Body image, relationship status, grades, social media standards. I worry constantly that who I think I am may just be a farce and others know the real truth and just won’t tell me. That I walk in a confidence that shouldn’t be. Some of us feel shame when we think about His perspective of us. It is so hard for us to understand that He tips our chin up to look at Him to see Him smile at us.
It is He who is our glory. It is He who is our shield against the lies from the world and our own head. IT is He…who lifts our heads high. He wants you to raise your head to accept all that HE says you are. You are conqueror. You are precious. You are a friend of Jesus…not a slave. He has taken away all shame.
Some of you may find that very hard to accept. ?But answer this, is it possible for Him to lie? It’s not. So when He says HE calls you friend, loved one, precious in His sight…know that it is true. Where are your hanging your head in shame? What lies are you believing? Do not allow lies to keep your head down in shame anymore. Look up, claim His truth about you and let Him lift your head high.
Praying for truth to be louder than lies for you today.