This weekend I took a big, scary step. Many steps actually. I said yes to myself, to my dreams. I took a risk. Bought a ticket to a writing conference in North Carolina and made plans to attend all by myself. Five hour plus road trip, nights in a hotel alone, attending said conference never having met anyone face to face. All because a little voice told me I had more to offer and my tiny dreams were worth pursing. So I went.
And that voice tried to stop me a few times, even while I sat in my seat at the conference. “You’re not a writer. You have zero business being here. You’re not like anyone else in this room.” After much practice, I silenced that voice and sat back with my notes in hand.
Each session went a level deeper into my dream, into this calling. Into my true self. It’s ironic isn’t it? A little voice trying to get me to silence my true voice.
My own voice isn’t for everyone and you know what? That’s ok. It does have value and meaning. It does offer a gift to some. And if that’s you. Welcome to my little corner of this beautiful vast world. I hope here you find encouragement, belonging, understanding. I hope your paradigm shifts a little and maybe you get a glimpse of this God and His creation in a way you’ve never thought of before. And I hope you share your view point as well. This God of ours is so big that there’s no way this side of Heaven that will ever be able to fully grasp Him. Let’s not keep our perspectives to ourselves ok? You see sides of Him I’ll never have the opportunity to see through my own eyes. So share it from yours.
This is where I’ll be sharing mine. I’m so glad you came along.